Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sustainable Housing: Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood

About a week ago, the 403 Housing class went on a fieldtrip to Earthsong visiting New Zealand's first cohousing neighbourhood based on permaculture and eco-design located in the West Auckland suburb of Ranui.

This fieldtrip was for the purposes of building on our learning of sustainable housing, as the topic for our second assignment of this course.

Earthsong is considered as a 'role model' for sustainable housing because the houses there are constructed out of rammed earth and timber built out of non-toxic material while incoporating passive solar principles to sustainably reduce energy consumption.

Solar panels visible on top of houses used for harnessing solar energy.

The Earthsong Eco-neighbourhood demonstrates the lifestyle of community living and the autonomy of private dwellings, while facilitating community interactions and enhancing pedestrian safety due to the design and layout of this eco-neighbourhood.

Resident's cars are to be parked at the edge of this property to create a walkable housing unit and minimise danger for children that play around within this neighbourhood.

The entire eco-neighbourhood is pedestrian focussed to create a walkable unit for residents by not allowing for any vehicle access within.

Carpark area at the edge of the property and the only provision for vehicles on site.

Overall, it was very interesting to see the sustainable housing principles and initiatives applied in Earthsong where there was a common unity or goal among residents to create a sustainable lifestyle within an urbanised area of Auckland.

In centre, a children's playhouse with only pedestrian access that is enclosed by houses.

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