Saturday, March 20, 2010

What is Planning?

Since this is a blog about Planning where and I display some of the projects that I have completed over the past 2 years as a planning student, I thought it would be a good idea to actually explain what exactly planning is first. To this day in my 3rd year of study, I still get stuck on the question of "What is planning?" when people ask what I study. Although it is such a simple question and I really should know by now, it is difficult to pin point or explain in a simple sentence because it is such a broad subject covering so many aspects of society.
So, I decided to seek assistance from the ultimate planners at the New Zealand Planning Institute (NZPI), where they have answered what I still can't after 2 years.

'What is Planning? What do Planners do? and Why do we need Planners?'

What is Planning?
Good planning helps to create better communities and enrich peoples’ lives.

Planners Shape the Future.
Planning is a profession concerned with the design, function, and quality of cities, regions, towns, and natural environments. Planners explore a very wide range of aspects of the natural and built environments on issues as wide ranging as urban design, transport, housing, parks and recreation, and both urban and rural development. Planners work at national, regional, local, and even neighbourhood scales. Planners work in a variety of social contexts and manage a range of development, economic, and community challenges. Planning has become an increasingly global profession as the traditional planning challenges of population growth become intertwined with new challenges, such as climate change.

Why do we need Planners?
Since Ebenezer Howard's time, many different approaches and models toward planning have been applied. There have been many proponents for differing approaches to planning, many of which have had unintended consequences. Technology has continued to shape our cities, affect our environment, and impact our quality of life. The problems of the Industrial Revolution have continued, and new challenges have arisen as global economies and even people become increasingly interdependent.
Planners solve today's problems and prepare for tomorrow's challenges. The central focus of planning is on the use of land, one of our most valuable and limited natural resources. However, the way in which we plan and develop our cities, towns, and regions affects other important resources - oil and energy, water and air quality, and even the liveability of our neighbourhoods.

Phew!! Us Planners sure have our work cut out for us. Especially for those of us in Auckland with the whole Supercity debacle. Don't even want to think about it!!

Here a few words of mine that spring into mind when I ask myself:


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